The Church Family Retreat Concludes Successfully

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10)

God calls us to rest—to step away from our busyness, quiet our hearts before Him, and reflect on ourselves, that we may be renewed in His strength. This is the essence of a Christian retreat. During this time dedicated to God, we place ourselves entirely before Him, experiencing His presence, drawing near to Him, and encountering Him in a profound way.

The Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington DC (CCCGW) held its annual summer retreat on July 12 to July 14, 2024, offering brothers and sisters an opportunity to step away from the demands of daily life and focus on their spiritual growth. As in previous years, the retreat took place on the picturesque campus of Messiah University in Pennsylvania, a serene setting for spiritual reflection. About 120 participants attended this year's retreat, including both believers and seekers, coming together to explore how to embody the Christian faith in every aspect of their lives. Only by living out our faith can we truly become disciples of the Lord, serving as the light and salt of the world.

Throughout the retreat, participants were spiritually nourished through joint sessions, language-specific workshops, morning devotions, and combined worship services, all of which facilitated a deep encounter with God's presence. Through fellowship, group sharing, and prayer meetings, brothers and sisters opened their hearts, shared their faith journeys, and prayed for one another, fostering a sense of unity and mutual edification. This unity is what pleases the Lord—He delights in our fellowship, mutual encouragement, and growth together in Christ.

The retreat featured insightful teachings from Reverend Shusheng Jonathan Siah and his wife, Dorcas, who guided participants through practical ways to live out their faith in daily life. Meanwhile, Pastor Tony Chung, the English-speaking speaker, addressed the challenges and opportunities of cultivating faith in a multicultural context, emphasizing that truth sets us free from the shame of failure within diverse cultural expectations. Additionally, Jessica Man delivered a special seminar on living out the Christian faith within the Asian American church, highlighting the impact of the church family in our faith amidst cultural differences.

The retreat also included special activities, such as "Family Fun Night," a highlight of the first evening. Organized by Brother Tony Woo, this event brought together participants of all ages for an evening of fun-filled team games and a volleyball match that filled the room with laughter and joy. The warm and welcoming atmosphere continued late into the night, when the Living Water Fellowship and Carmel Fellowship prepared a delightful late-night snack, featuring fresh peaches, corn, tea eggs, cold noodles, snacks, and watermelon, along with the children's favorite—instant noodles.

On Saturday afternoon, participants had the freedom to choose between watching a movie, swimming, engaging in sports, or simply enjoying a time of relaxation and fellowship. Despite her illness, Mrs. Dorcas Siah graciously offered marriage counseling services during her free time, demonstrating her selfless dedication to the spiritual well-being of others. Some sisters suggested adding more workshops on Saturday afternoons in future retreats to better meet spiritual growth needs.

On the final day of the retreat, Reverend Siah delivered a powerful sermon on "The Cost of Following Jesus" during the joint worship service. He provided a deep analysis of the challenges and glory that come with being a Christian and encouraged everyone to consider how to take up their cross, separate themselves from the world, and follow Christ faithfully on the path to eternal life.

This year's summer retreat was rich and diverse in content, and many brothers and sisters greatly benefited from it. They recognized the importance of regular retreats, where they can focus solely on God, listen to and reflect on His word, and examine their spiritual lives under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For seekers, the retreat was quite enlightening as well. A graduate student from the University of Maryland, Tang Yulin, shared that although she is still exploring the Christian faith, she learned a lot from the workshops. More importantly, her three-day stay with a Christian sister left a lasting impression on her as she witnessed the genuine faith and piety of a devoted believer. Thank the Lord for this sister's beautiful testimony of faith, which reveals to others that our faith is alive and full of life.

We thank God for providing this invaluable opportunity for spiritual renewal, where each participant was strengthened and built up in God's love and truth. It was also a chance to reflect on our work, service, and life, to ensure that we have not lost our way or forgotten our first love for the Lord and for others. May we continue to seek the Lord's renewal and live for Him alone!