On June 17, a group of 14 teens and 3 adult chaperones went with the backing of CCCGW to a week-long MFUGE (Mission Fuge) camp for teenagers at Eastern University near Philadelphia.  This year’s theme was “Revival Generation.”  During the week, our teenagers joined with other campers in their chosen activity track, and provided on-site services to local communities, doing anything from playing with children, to boxing cans at a food pantry, to cleaning an elderly neighbor’s yard. Our students also participated in Bible study and worship, heard sermons from Pastor Mark Turner, a minister in the Philadelphia area, and engaged in recreational activities. It was a life-changing week for many in our group. 
Here is a video made by Daniel (age 17):
Here is a reflection recorded by Jerry (age 18):
Below are additional reflections.

Sarah (age 17):  I was in the Social track which featured a mix of activities from the other tracks.  My group cleaned churches, packed food boxes, and helped with a block party.  These experiences opened our eyes to the need for God in these places, and gave us a chance to offer practical help to the community. Though we were only there for a short time, we tried to be a blessing to the people we served. We learned so much about what it meant to be a Revival Generation!  Overall, it was an amazing experience, and I would like to thank everyone for helping make the trip possible!

Sheryl (age 12): Fuge camp was a life changing experience. Helping out people at site, being treated to delicious meals daily, and most importantly, learning about the Bible all made the experience worthwhile.  At my site, I loved being a music teacher and using chalk to draw with the kids, and at the dining hall the food was honestly beautiful. In terms of learning about the Bible, Pastor Mark’s words were enlightening and helped me reach a spiritual high. The Mega relay, the speeches, the songs, and the whole camp was dedicated to this single purpose, and it was what made Fuge camps so very memorable.

Furthermore, Fuge camp was an experience that I’d love to have again and again! The atmosphere and friends I made were things I wouldn’t lose, and everything was so special. No matter what happened, my chin was held high walking into the next day filled with more of everything I held dear. I will forever cherish Fuge camp, and I wish next year’s campers a happy trip!

Josie (age 17): This was my fourth year going to MFUGE. I love going because of the atmosphere.  It’s cool to see how churches from around the country can come together and celebrate God.  Throughout the week, we participate in worship, sermons, Bible study, church group time, nightlife, and of course, volunteer work. I love the worship because everyone isn’t worried about how they look or sound, but focused on what the songs are telling us or just being present in the moment. During worship, I feel God’s presence the most. 

This year’s theme was Revival Generation, and the sermons and the Bible studies focused on the book of Jonah. We learned that the start of revival is prayer. Establishing a relationship with God is a two-way relationship. We must want to talk to God, and make the effort to do so.  In church group time, we connected as a church and shared what we did that day and what we could pray for each other or someone we had met. This year's nightlife was a silent disco, and it was so much fun. Our Bible study groups were a mix of people from all the churches. Each group was given a specific track.  My group’s track was Social. During the week, we packed food boxes with the Share Food Program, cleaned two churches in Kensington, and helped a family with a block party. It was unbelievably hot, but God blessed us as we remained indoors most of the time and had just enough energy despite not getting enough sleep. Although there weren't many chances to directly evangelize God’s word, through our actions, the people we helped could tell we were doing God’s work.  One of Pastor Mark’s closing prayers stuck with me, and I hope it sticks with you as well: “Everything I lack, would You (God) make me?”

Jesse (age 16): This year was the first year that I was able to participate in MFUGE, and it was a transformative experience. One of the biggest takeaways for me was that revival is not just an emotional high or temporary feeling, but is the spiritual awakening of God’s people to their true nature and purpose. To truly experience revival, we must surrender our lives for the purpose that God gave us rather than simply placing Him at the top of our priority list. Throughout the week, this message repeatedly presented itself to me through each activity.

I was in the Social track for the site activities.  My group’s ministry was especially meaningful because Philadelphia is a city with significantly higher crime rates and one of the highest poverty rates in the US.  I conversed with children and adults about the gospel, helped out at local elementary schools, joined others in hosting community-building events at parks, and assisted with construction and yard work. Through my experiences at each site, I realized how wonderful it is to spread God’s word to others. I also saw how important it was because many people, especially in areas with high populations of non-believers, may not have the opportunity to learn about God’s word. 

Aside from our work at site, I also was able to further my relationship with God through worship service, Bible study, and the camp pastor’s sermons. Every experience was meaningful and glorified God. Overall, MFUGE was fun, exciting, and full of energy, and I will definitely come back next year, if possible.

Sonia (age 16): My first Mfuge completely reshaped the way I viewed my faith and how I interacted with the world. However, as the event faded and the school year progressed into fall, I found myself losing sight of the spark of faith it ignited. By the end of that school year, I had descended to a point where I was doubting whether I was a Christian at all.  This year’s MFuge experience made me realize that rather than losing my faith, I had been neglecting to deepen it. This distinction was simple, but eye-opening.

The community service we did was incredibly rewarding too. I spent the week making chalk art sharing messages of God's love and playing with children lacking the privileges we often take for granted.

Overall, this was an invaluable experience that widened my view of the world and inspired in me a desire to serve others.

Chloe (age 18):  At every MFUGE, I look forward most to the worship. I'm somebody who is moved by music.  Everything that goes into worship touches my heart. This year, it was the Mission's Night worship that really got to me. From writing the names of the people I love who don't know God to the lyrics of Christ Be Magnified, that evening's worship hit me hard: "I won't bow to idols, I'll stand strong and worship You. And if it puts me in the fire, I'll rejoice 'cause You're there too. I won't be formed by feelings, I hold fast to what is true. If the cross brings transformation then I'll be crucified with You." 

Pastor Mark Turner did a great job with the message every evening. We learned about prayer, confession, repentance, salvation, and more. He preached from the book of Jonah. Some of the notes I took were: material success does not equal righteousness; salvation is not a negotiation but a surrender; actual comfort is not found in the absence of pain but in the fulfillment of Christ; don't give God 100% only 20% of the time; fill up on the Spirit so that it naturally flows out of you; and there's no end to the forgiveness we should offer because there's no end to the grace we have received.

Shawny (Teens Group Coordinator):

During a GGAN (Guy Girl Appreciation Night) many years ago, I remember it was Charles Yang who said, "This is a rehearsal for heaven." It was because all of us were there to worship the Lord and love each other. I believe that MFUGE is another "Rehearsal for Heaven." We all come to MFUGE to worship God and to serve together. There are students and adults from many different states and backgrounds. What I really liked about this year’s camp is the unity and the care and support the students showed for each other.

There was a Variety Show in the middle of the week. This is basically a talent show where students from different churches perform some kind of skill or talent. Sophie from our Teens Group performed gymnastics. There were teens from other churches who sang, told jokes, and did interpretive motions to music. Some of the performers made mistakes during their performance. One girl started singing her song, and then stopped and had to start over, which is really embarrassing for a performer. But throughout the entire show, the level of encouragement and support from the audience was really incredible. When the student who started over finished her song, everyone cheered even louder than before. That's the kind of love we should have for each other in the family of God. Even when we make a mistake or mess up, no one will laugh or make fun of us or judge us, but they will lift us and cheer us on. That is how we love and care for each other in the kingdom of heaven.

Pastor Mark preached from the Book of Jonah. The first day was Jonah 1, the second day was Jonah 2, and so on. By the end of the week Jonah is like one of my favorite books of the Bible! What really struck me was Jonah 2 when he is inside the fish and he prays a desperate prayer to God. At the end he says, "Salvation belongs to the Lord." I experienced the truth of this statement at MFUGE. For many years, I have enjoyed serving in the Teens Group, but the truth is, some years are harder than others. I told the teens on the first night: This year, I've been doing a lot by my own knowledge and power. I come unprepared on Friday nights. I haven't been praying or seeking God, and they deserve better. They deserve a youth pastor who will pray for them and check in on them. Thankfully, God is greater than me or any youth pastor. Salvation belongs to the Lord. He saved Jonah and the people of Ninevah. He can save the lives of many in spite of his weak servants like Jonah and myself.