As we enter the annual season of thanksgiving, we are reminded that another year is drawing to a close. At the same time, the Christmas season is upon us, filling our hearts with hope. 

This year’s Thanksgiving has truly been one of abundant blessings. We witnessed a breakthrough in evangelism through our fall Happiness Group ministry, with 15 brothers and sisters committing to follow Christ—11 through in-person gatherings and 4 online.

During the Thanksgiving Sunday combined worship service, we celebrated the baptism of 9 brothers and sisters. Their ages ranged from the youngest, a one-year-old boy, to the oldest, a sister in her seventies. Additionally, 3 brothers and sisters officially joined our church family through transfer of membership. All of this is a testament to God’s abundant grace.

We also saw God’s care for those among us who were physically unwell. We lifted them up in prayer and blessing, and through God’s grace and the help of medical treatment, many have recovered. Isn’t this a reflection of the seasons of life itself? Even as Christians, we experience the highs and lows of life: moments of strength and weakness, times of ease and difficulty, seasons of fulfillment and frustration, victories and defeats.

In the church, we witness the joy of newborn babies entering the world and the bittersweet farewell of elders returning to their heavenly home. While we feel sadness at their passing, we are also filled with hope. This is the journey of life. Maintaining an optimistic heart, facing challenges without fear, and responding to life’s uncertainties with calm composure—aren’t these the lessons that life teaches us?

Recently, I came across a short essay that deeply inspired me. It felt as though a lightbulb went off in my mind, clearing away many of the frustrations and entanglements in my life. The essay begins like this:

People survived September 11th, and here is why they are alive today. A woman was late because her alarm didn’t go off on time. Another man survived because it was his turn to bring donuts. Someone else was delayed due to being stuck in a long traffic jam on the New Jersey Turnpike. A woman spilled coffee on her clothes and needed time to change. One person’s car simply wouldn’t start that morning. A man wore a new pair of shoes, got a blister, and stopped in a pharmacy for a plaster. That’s why he is alive now.

And when I get stuck in the traffic, don’t make it into the elevator, come back to answer the phone. When all these little things happened that annoy me, I think to myself that in that moment I am exactly where God wants me to be. The next time you feel like the morning is going wrong, the kids are slow to get dressed, you can’t find your car keys, you are standing at every stop light. Don’t get angry or upset. You are not late, you are not early, you are very much on time. 

Yes! You are a child of God, and your life is firmly held in His hands. Every moment of your existence is under His sovereign control. While you may have your own plans and aspirations, those seemingly unexpected detours in life are not mere coincidences. God reigns as King over your life. When you feel overwhelmed by things beyond your control, you can let go and entrust them to God, allowing Him to take over.

Whether it’s your work, identity, spouse, children, health, achievements, future, or the valleys of discouragement, tears, doubts, complaints, or even your weaknesses, intelligence, and emotional strength—God knows it all. Every expression, every action—nothing escapes His care. As the Bible says, "Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:30).

As our church journal Living Spring resumes quarterly online publication, our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude. We rejoice in witnessing God’s guidance and blessings together. For 66 years, God has used our church to testify for Him in the Greater Washington area, serving as a golden lampstand. We eagerly anticipate seeing even greater, even fresher, and even more beautiful testimonies that proclaim the mighty works of our God.