My Faith Journey: Growing Spiritually Through Serving the Lord

Elder Stanley Chan

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Forty-nine years ago, I received Christ as an 18-year-old at a Christian summer camp in Hong Kong. The camp greatly impacted my life, in ways that probably resonate with the experience of some of our CCCGW teens who went to the MFUGE summer camp this year.

I was deeply touched by the teens’ reports of their experience. Some accepted the Lord as their personal Savior, and all received solid Bible teaching led by MFUGE staff, engaged in activity planning for each day, and participated in various service projects.  The camp opened their eyes to opportunities to serve the local community and showed them how to live each day on a mission for the Lord.  The program challenged and stretched them individually, and also helped them bond over dinner, worship, fellowship, and group devotions.  I am grateful that our church supported the teens through prayer, fund-raising, and transportation.

Participating in a youth Christian summer camp can be a powerful and transformative experience.  Reflecting on my own experience all those years ago, the following benefits are especially precious:

  1. Spiritual Renewal.  The camp provided a dedicated time and space for me to focus on my relationship with God. Through worship, prayer, and Bible study, I often experience a deep sense of spiritual renewal and connection.
  2. Personal Reflection. The camp offered opportunities for personal reflection and introspection. I was encouraged to examine my faith, values, and beliefs, and to consider how I might grow in my relationship with God. 
  3. Fellowship and Community.  The camp fostered a sense of community and belonging. I had the chance to connect with other young people and learn about their faith and values. This sense of fellowship was both encouraging and uplifting. 
  4. Learning and Teaching.  The camp included teaching sessions where experienced leaders or speakers shared insights and wisdom from the Bible. These sessions provided opportunities for me to learn and grow in my faith. 
  5. Worship and Praise. The camp included times of worship and praise during which I joined others to sing songs of worship and express my love and gratitude to God. These times of worship were incredibly uplifting and inspiring. 
  6. Service and Outreach.  The camp incorporated activities to help me put faith into action through community service projects, evangelism, or mission work. These experiences enriched my understanding and inspired me to live out my beliefs in practical ways.
  7. Deepened Faith and Commitment.  The camp deepened my faith and renewed my commitment to live as a disciple of Christ. It inspired me to make positive changes in my life and to actively pursue a closer relationship with God. 

Since that first summer camp, I have attended other similar camps, the most recent being CCCGW’s Family Retreat in July 2024.  The retreat was very special to me because the keynote speakers for the Chinese congregation, Pastor Siah and his wife, sister Dorcas, shared with me CCCGW’s history of developing pastors, ministers, and elders from among our members.  I am a beneficiary of this effort, and I am grateful to have been equipped to serve as an elder at CCCGW for over 12 years now.  

I encourage and pray that some of our younger church members would listen for, and accept the Lord’s call to join the Pastoral team.  Here’s my understanding of God's call for you to serve in a Pastoral/Eldership Role at CCCGW:

  1. Prayer and Reflection: You should engage in regular prayer and reflection to seek God’s direction and clarity about your call to ministry. 
  2. Biblical Foundation: You should set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. Living a life of faithfulness and integrity can serve as a powerful testimony to others, and validate your call to pastoral ministry. 
  3. Gifts and Passion: You may feel a strong passion for preaching, teaching, and shepherding others. These gifts, when nurtured, can grow into effective pastoral leadership. 
  4. Mentorship and Guidance: You will be mentored by experienced pastors and church leaders who will provide you with spiritual guidance, practical training, and support as you explore your calling. 
  5. Training and Education: You will be encouraged to pursue theological education and ministry training to help you prepare for pastoral responsibilities. This can include formal seminary education or informal study and service experiences. 
  6. Leadership Opportunities: You will be given opportunities to lead worship services, teach Sunday school, or engage in outreach to help you develop your pastoral skills and confirm your calling. 
  7. Community Support: You will be part of a supportive church community whose members can affirm and encourage you by recognizing your potential, and offering prayer and resources for your growth.