As the new academic year began, our church launched the University Students Airport Pickup and Caring Ministry (USAPC) once again. This year’s airport pickup activities started in July and continued through the end of August, successfully assisting many new students from China and other regions, welcoming them warmly and with thoughtful care as they arrived in a foreign land.

This is the second time CCCGW held this event since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, a total of 24 dedicated volunteers from both the Chinese and English congregations worked together to welcome over 30 new students—double the number from last year. This increase reflects our church’s unwavering commitment and ongoing efforts to care for new students.

The services provided by our volunteers extended far beyond airport pickups. They also assisted students with shopping, opening bank accounts, handling various formalities, and offering temporary accommodation, addressing many of the challenges these students face upon their arrival. The volunteers selflessly dedicated their time, often sacrificing personal and family time, and even working through the night and adverse weather conditions; they prioritized the students’ needs. We pray that the Lord will remember the love and dedication of these brothers and sisters, whose selfless contributions made this ministry possible.

The new students were deeply moved by the church’s warm reception and support. Inspired by the church’s welcoming atmosphere and unconditional love, many of them are eager to explore the church further and participate in fellowship groups, Happiness Groups, and Sunday worship services.

Sister Yin Yin, the deacon of the Evangelism Department and the organizer of this year’s pickup service, emphasized that the church's mission extends beyond just providing airport pickups. We are committed to providing care for these new students, staying in touch with them, attending to their needs, and most importantly, caring for their souls. Our hope is to bring these students closer to God so they may come to know Jesus, understand the Christian faith, and receive the gift of salvation and eternal blessings.

To strengthen our connection with the new students, the church held a welcome event on Saturday, September 21st. This event served as an essential part of our student outreach ministry by providing a platform for new students to learn more about the church and make new friends.These welcome events often result in many new names being added to our activities. Each name represents a young life that needs the seed of the Gospel; to be nurtured with love and patiently guided as it grows. We pray that God will help us see the preciousness of every soul’s salvation and empower us to spread Jesus’ love, allowing more people to experience His great love and the abundant life He offers!