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The church's annual Lunar New Year celebration took place on February 24th (Saturday afternoon) at the church. The event was brimming with diverse activities, including dumpling making, New Year worship, a dumpling feast, and various games. From the inception of promotional materials and website announcements to the preparation of dough, dumpling fillings, and various dishes, venue decoration, children's activities, and kitchen cleanup, the entire event was a collaborative effort of all the church fellowships. Particularly noteworthy was the game segment, organized by Brother Marshall Li, one of the most senior members of the church. The riddle guessing segment, in which he prepared riddles in both Chinese and English covering biblical figures, place names, and common idioms, was highly popular and fostered lively interactions among attendees. Additionally, he showcased a collection of stamps from different countries, including a series of stamps celebrating the Year of the Dragon, as well as his stamp collection, adding a fascinating dimension to the event.

Thanks to God, this year's Chinese New Year Celebration was a tremendous success, with approximately 130 participants—a significantly higher turnout than in previous years. Some new friends learned about the event through online news, while others happened to join after seeing the large crowd and parked cars outside. The majority, however, came upon an invitation from friends. The cooperation between the English and Chinese departments was highly efficient and deserving of commendation! The Evangelism Department further discussed how to follow up with these newcomers, such as sending follow-up emails and inviting them to join the Happiness Group Ministry, and proposed improvement methods to attract more participation. It is hoped that through such events, more people who have not yet heard the gospel will be drawn, and relationships will be established with them, allowing them to encounter the gospel and get to know God.