Since 2014, Pastor Daniel Zhao has served as the pastor of the Chinese congregation at the Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington, D.C. (CCCGW). With a deep spiritual life, faithful service, and a sincere shepherd’s heart, he has led the church and its members on a journey of faith. Looking back over the past decade, God’s grace, love, and power are evident in every step.

Pastor Zhao was born and raised in a Christian family and accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior at the age of 15. He was called by God in 1983 and earned his B.A. and M.Div. in 1990. He was ordained in 1995 and received his Ph.D. from Luther Seminary in 2007. Ten years ago, Pastor Zhao responded to God's call and began his ministry at CCCGW on September 7, 2014. With passion and dedication, he actively participated in various ministries, working closely with church co-workers to establish several Chinese and English fellowships and expand evangelistic efforts, all with the goal of bringing the gospel to the Chinese community in North America.

Over the past ten years, Pastor Zhao has not only diligently prepared sermons, Sunday school classes, and discipleship training programs, but also provided valuable guidance in fellowship Bible studies, visitations, and pastoral care to meet the spiritual needs of the congregation. Additionally, he has actively expanded evangelism outreach, launching multiple cycles of Happiness Groups focused on sharing the gospel, visiting seekers, and leading brothers and sisters on overseas mission trips. Whether in preaching, counseling, discipleship training, evangelism, or leadership development, Pastor Zhao’s teachings and leadership have profoundly impacted many lives. His wife, Enlin Peng, has also fully supported him, by not only leading the women’s fellowship but also consistently caring for the church family, especially by offering prayers for those who are weak or in need, becoming a strong pillar of support for Pastor Zhao.

During his ten years of service, Pastor Zhao has faced numerous challenges, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly impacted the church’s dynamics, gathering patterns, and congregation. For an extended period, in-person services were suspended, and worship, sermons, and fellowship meetings moved online, presenting many pastoral and spiritual challenges, as well as resulting in the inevitable loss of some members. However, we thank God for His grace and strength, which proved sufficient during this difficult time. Despite the hardships, God worked all things together for good, enabling the church to continue pastoral care through online platforms and maintain close connections among the congregation, with members praying for and serving one another. By the end of 2022, the church resumed in-person services and quickly revived its ministries, including outreach programs such as Happiness Groups, through which many Chinese families have heard and come to know the gospel.

In his sermon on September 8, Pastor Zhao reflected on his journey of service over the past decade. He shared how his family has witnessed God’s amazing love and faithfulness and how, through the prayers and love of the congregation, they have served together in unity. Despite moments of weariness, he thanked God for His complete protection, which has enabled them to persevere in His grace and continue walking the path of ministry He has set before them.

Let us offer our heartfelt thanks to God for Pastor Zhao’s faithful service and look forward to the church courageously stepping forward on the spiritual path under his leadership, as well as that of the English congregation pastor and the church’s Official Board. We trust that God will continue to use Pastor Zhao mightily in the years to come, leading the church into even greater spiritual and ministry growth.